Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I can't say that I have enjoyed the week four experience very much. I do love my Internet and I consider my computer one of my essential 'can't live withouts' but its also one of the biggest time suckers I've ever had the privilege of connecting to. This week was a prime example. I have used too much time subscribing to feeds and blogs. Some I know I will read but others I will not. I have to limit myself for the sake of my own sanity.

I'm impressed with the Powerhouse Museum's use of Picture of the day and I'm wondering how much information they receive from the public about their uncatalogued items. I think that would be one of the most interesting jobs ...getting the info from the public and then verifying it. Does anyone in the library world doing this course have one of these positions? I would love to hear about your experiences.

Does this technology have a place within public library services? Yes, I'm sure it does. Publishing the latest news of library events onto a blog and encouraging users to subsribe to it would certainly remove some obstacles associated with the distribution of paper-based promotions. I seem to spend a huge amount of my time addressing those types of issues as well. It's all about time and efficiency isn't it? If the new technology can remove barriers and improve work flow then I'm all for updating my skills and knowledge.


This is my week four optional task and is for experimental purposes only.

Hmm, okay, I don't think it's worked all that well but I can click on the heading 'entertainment' and it takes me to the blog that I've subscribed to...

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Originally uploaded by dory45

This is my friend Turbo. He listens to all my ideas about how I could improve youth services in my library. He was very excited when I told him about our new youth art/advisory group that meets on a fortnightly basis. Oh, how he wagged his tail when I mentioned the activity that the group was going to host in the foyer. 'Leave your mark' the teens called it - they wanted all library visitors to leave their mark in support of National Youth Week. They had lots of shiny, metallic paint that screamed out to all the hands that went past - 'hey, leave your mark HERE'. And they did! Over one hundred hands left their mark on the black display paper! Turbo was very proud of the local teens. They did an excellent job of setting up and facilitating the afternoon. Turbo would like to come to the next youth group meeting in the library but he's not old enough yet. I told him he'd be more suited to the Baby Rhyme Time program...

Going somewhere

I've been going nowhere fast with this Library Web 2.0 Learning so I have made up my mind to go somewhere today - my first blog for the course. Where will it take me? Somewhere 'cooool', innovative, practical and useful for a librarian to be. See you there!
